Nine Tips for Keeping Your Goals and Objectives on Track in 2015

By the time you’re reading this we are about 40% of the way into 2015 and you have a pretty good idea as to what kind of year it’s shaping up to be. If you set some professional and personal goals for the year, how are those working out?


If you’re like most people you’ve had several moments when your determination and resolve have been tested. While studies show that many goal setting exercises fail, the good news is: making your goals a reality is entirely up to you. If you are driven, determined, and dedicated to making your goals and resolutions happen, barring some unforeseen catastrophe, they will happen. So whether you’re on track, off track, or somewhere in between, here are some steps to take that will give you your best chance at hitting the mark in 2015.


Nine Ideas for Getting and Staying on Track to Success


1) Commit for to your goal for 30 days.

As you probably know, it takes 30 days to develop a habit. The problem is that most of us aren’t consistent for at least 30 days in a row. Maybe we committed for seven days and then took two days off, back on for five, off for two more, on for six, etc. In order to make the habit, you have to do it for 30 days straight.


2) Start small.

Rarely do we change our lives significantly overnight, typically it takes one small step followed by another and another until we wake up one day 6 or 12 months later and we notice a dramatic change. Start with one small step and build each day, this approach helps to build momentum and prevents us from getting overwhelmed or discouraged by taking on too much too soon.


3) Remove temptation.

If you are trying to eat better, remove all the junk food from your house. If you are trying to spend less time on social media or with e-mail, limit the frequency and amount of time you can spend on each during the day. Remove items and set rules as when you can partake, if ever, in certain activities that are getting in the way of what you are trying to accomplish.


4) Associate with role models.

Birds of a feather do flock together. If you want to be a top salesperson, hang out with top salespeople, if you want a successful relationship, hangout with people who have successful relationships. People who are successful in the areas you want to be successful in take certain actions to make it happen. What are those actions? Take the same actions, get the same results; success leaves clues.


5) Write it down.

Writing out your goal(s) every morning and seeing them at least twice a day can dramatically increase the possibility of making them a reality. The more you see a goal, the more it is impressed upon your subconscious brain and the more your goal is impressed upon your subconscious brain, the more your brain will work on the goal to help you achieve it. Put your goal(s) somewhere you will see it every day. The best places are: on your bathroom mirror, in your car, and on your list of items to get done during the day.


6) Know the benefits.

What will you get, or more importantly, what will you become if you achieve this goal? How will you and your world be better off? How will those around you be better off? What are the ultimate payoffs of your goal personally, professionally, and otherwise?


7) Know the consequences if you don’t follow through.

What will the cost or pain be if you don’t achieve this goal? How will you suffer personally, professionally and otherwise? Will it negatively affect your health, your self esteem, your career? What will the negative affect be on those around you and your relationships if you don’t achieve this goal?


8) Keep the end result in mind.

What is your ultimate vision for yourself, for your life, and for the world around you? How will achieving this goal help make this vision a reality? Keep your overall objective in mind and remember why you adopted this goal or resolution to begin with. Imagine how you’ll feel when you achieve it.


9) Remember: The only thing that can stop you, is you.

What are you capable of if you set your mind to something and determine nothing will get in your way? Pretty much anything. What stops people isn’t the difficulty of achieving the goal or making the resolution stick, what stops people is they lose the resolve to consistently do what needs to be done every day. You have to consistently do what must be done, whether you feel like it or not, that’s how you reach success. Set a goal, develop a plan for its achievement, then follow these steps and make it happen. Life is 90% mental, the only thing between you and where you want to go is in your head.


John Chapin is an award winning sales speaker, trainer, coach, and co-author of the gold-medal winning “Sales Encyclopedia” a comprehensive how-to guide on selling. “Sales Encyclopedia” is written for sales professionals in all industries at any level of experience.  Utilizing more than 21 years of sales experience and as a number one salesperson in three industries, John co-founded Complete Selling Incorporated, a company helping salespeople significantly increase sales and find their motivation.


If you would like access to John’s free white paper on what it takes to be successful in sales along with a monthly newsletter, you can visit John’s website at For permission to reprint, or to reach John, email him at

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